
2207 results:

The SI reiterates urgent call for medical attention for Almazbek Atambayev

The SI reiterates urgent call for medical attention for Almazbek Atambayev The Socialist International is critically concerned for the health and well-being of the former president of Kyrgyzstan,…

SI denounces further repression of the opposition in Turkey

SI denounces further repression of the opposition in Turkey The SI strongly denounces the sentencing of Ms. Canan Kaftancıoğlu, Chair of Istanbul’s branch of the Republican People’s Party, CHP, a…

XXIV Congress of the Socialist International, Cape Town

The XXIV Congress of the Socialist International met in Cape Town, South Africa, on August 30 - September 1, under the heading "For a New Internationalism and a New Culture of Solidarity". Bringing…

List of participants

Socialist International George Papandreou (President) Luis Ayala (Secretary General)   Full Member Parties Albania, Socialist Party of Albania, SPA Edi Rama  Taulant Balla Endri…

SI condemns attempted assassination in Guinea-Bissau

SI condemns attempted assassination in Guinea-Bissau The Socialist International has been following with concern the increasing political insecurity in Guinea-Bissau, and condemns unreservedly the…

Congress Decisions Regarding Membership

Change of status to full membership Albania: Social Democratic Party, PSD Algeria: Socialist Forces Front, FFS Cape Verde: African Independence Party of Cape Verde, PAICV Chile: Party for…

Decisions on new membership

Decisions of the Congress regarding Membership Change of Status: To Full Membership: Bosnia and Herzegovina, The Alliance of Independent Social Democrats, SNSD Ghana, National Democratic…

XX Congress of the Socialist International, New York

The Socialist International held its twentieth Congress at the headquarters of the United Nations in New York on 9-11 September 1996. More than one hundred and fifty parties and organisations from…

XIX Congress of the Socialist International, Berlin

Freedom and Solidarity in a Changing World The Congress of the Socialist International, held in Berlin on 15–17 September, and hosted by the Social Democratic Party of Germany, brought together…