
2314 results:

European Committee Meeting, Bucharest, Romania

First European Committee of the Socialist International Last weekend, our member party, the Social Democratic Party (PSD) of Romania, organized and hosted the first Europe Committee of the Socialist…

Socialist International 1st Regional Progressive Governments Forum

The Socialist International 1st Regional Progressive Governments Forum of the Latin America and Caribbean region, the first regional level meeting of its kind, took place on Saturday 25th March…


Committees The regional Committees define and inform the work of the SI and generate input from their national and regional perspectives to the common global policies of the organisation.…


Presidium Each year, during the high level segment of the UN General Assembly in the month of September, the Socialist International holds a meeting of members of its Presidium and Heads of State…


Parliamentarians Twice a year, during the Assemblies of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), the Socialist International holds a meeting of parliamentarians from SI member parties. Views are…


Commissions The Socialist International establishes Commissions to address significant global issues, bringing together political leaders and noted experts to formulate an…


Councils The Council of the Socialist International is the gathering of all member parties, fraternal and associated organisations. The Council makes decisions of policy and principle between…


Congresses The Congress is the supreme body of the Socialist International. It proclaims its principles, determines its Statutes and, on the recommendation of the SI Council, decides upon the…

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Subscribe to our newsletter Subscribe to the Socialist International mailing list to receive news on our activities, press releases and statements. Subscribe to the SI mailing…

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