Meeting of the Socialist International Asia-Pacific Committee, Manila, Philippines

11-12 April 2002

The SI Asia-Pacific Committee met on 11-12 April in Manila, Philippines.

President of the Republic, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, welcomed delegates from throughout the region and beyond in an address to the Committee, underlining the integral role of the Socialist International in the long struggle for democracy in the Philippines.

Host of the meeting was the Philippines Democratic Socialist Party, PDSP, a member of President Macapagal Arroyo's government.

SI Secretary General Luis Ayala chaired the meeting, whose main theme was Peace and security in Asia and the Pacific. PDSP leader and government secretary Norberto Gonzales and other delegates related how these goals were being pursued in the Philippines and other countries in the region and noted the positive developments in the Koreas and Sri Lanka.

The second main theme was furthering and strengthening democratic development and the Committee assessed trends in a number of countries with particular focus on Burma, Nepal, Malaysia and Indonesia

The Committee adopted a statement addressing the issues discussed.
