List of Speakers

Meeting of the SI Council at the United Nations, New York, 6-7 July 2015

List of Speakers

Monday 6 July - opening session

Luis Ayala, SI Secretary General
George Papandreou, SI President

Main theme: Security and the fight against terror
Hemin Hawrami (Iraq, KDP)
Mustafa Ben Jaafar (Tunisia, Ettakatol) SI Honorary President
Iebrahem Muslem (Syria, PYD)
Carme Chacón (Spain, PSOE)
Anand Sharma (India, INC)
Horacio Serpa (Colombia, PLC)
Abdramane Sylla (Mali, RPM)
Julião Mateus Paulo (Angola, MPLA) SI Vice-President
Ahmed Ould Daddah (Mauritania, RFD) SI Vice-President
Abdullah Abdullah (Palestine, Fatah)
Colette Avital (Israel, Meretz) SI Vice-President
Mustafa Barghouti (Palestine, PNI)
Kenneth Bob (Israel, Israel Labour Party)

Second theme - Our commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals

Introductory guest speaker: 
Helen Clark, Administrator of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

Cesar Camacho (Mexico, PRI)
Ouafa Hajji, President of Socialist International Women, SIW
Miguel Vargas (Dominican Republic, PRD) Ex-Officio SI Vice-President
Felipe Jeldres (IUSY) Ex-Officio SI Vice-President
Pendukeni Iivulu-Ithana (Namibia, SWAPO) SI Vice-President
Gorgui Ciss (Senegal, PS)

Third theme - Climate change and the COP21

Key note speakers: 
Elio Di Rupo (Belgium, PS) SI Vice-President
Mohammed Waheed, former President of Maldives

Special address by 
Jan Eliasson, Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations


Tuesday 7 July 

Report of the Finance and Administration Committee
Maurice Poler (Venezuela, AD) co-Chair of the Committee

Report of the Ethics Committee
Gilles Mahieu (Belgium, PS) Chair of the Committee 


Climate change and the COP21 (continuation)
Svetlina Yolcheva (Bulgaria, PBSD)


Security and the fight against terror (continuation)
Sadi Pire (Iraq, PUK)
Dahan Alnajjar (Yemen, YSP)
Abdelkader Messahel (Algeria, FLN)
Mostafa Shalmashi (Iran, KDP)
Behrooz Khezri (Iran, KPIK)
Olexandr Antonov (Ukraine, SDPU)
Svetlana Vukovic (Montenegro, DPS)
José Francisco Rosales Argüello (Nicaragua, FSLN)
Samad Alizada (Azerbaijan, SDPA)
Giro Manoyan (Armenia, ARF)


Report on the Charter of the Rights of Migrants
Habib El Malki (Morocco, USFP) Chair of the Migrations Committee


Western Sahara - Report of the SI Mission 

Carme Chacón (Spain, PSOE) Chair of the Mediterranean Committee

Juan Antonio Yáñez-Barnuevo (Spain, PSOE) Head of the SI Mission

Mohamed Sidati (Western Sahara, Polisario Front)

Mohamed Benebdelkader (Morocco, USFP)



Carlos Vecchio (Venezuela, VP)

Chantal Kambiwa (Cameroon, SDF)



Luis Ayala, SI Secretary General